Property Transfer Tax:
In BC, whenever you purchase or gain an interest in property that is registered at the Land Title Office, you're responsible for paying property transfer tax. You pay this tax at the time the property is registered. The tax is calculated based on the fair market value of the property, or in other words, the price that a buyer would be willing to pay to acquire the property on the "open market".
As of February 21, 2018, the Property Transfer Tax on residential properties above $3 million was raised from 3% to 5%. It remains at 1% for the first $200,000, 2% of everything else up to the $2,000,000 mark and 3% for the amount between $2 million and $3million.
There are several situations where you might be exempt from paying tax. See below:
If you are buying your first home and plan to live in it as your principle residence, you may be exempt from paying PTT on homes purchased for $835,000 or less with partial exemptions up to $860,000 in value.

Other Taxes:
The Property Transfer Tax should not be confused with GST or the Foreign Buyers Tax, which may also apply to your purchase. Nor should it be mistaken for annual property taxes.
To read more about other taxes that may apply to real estate transactions, go here.